Our additional camping services for the ROCKHARZ 2025 are now bookable! You can find more information about the products here. We also have a few important notes for you: 1) Please note that if you would like to have several spaces (of one type) next to each other, these must be booked in ONE […]
Liebe ROCKHARZerinnen und ROCKHARZer, es ist soweit! Am Mittwoch, den 05.03.2025, startet ab 17:00 Uhr der Verkauf unserer Campingzusatzleistungen für das ROCKHARZ 2025. Da es in diesem Jahr einige Neuerungen gibt, bitten wir Euch die von uns bereitgestellten Informationen vollständig zu lesen! Leider ist es aufgrund der Zeichenbegrenzung der Social Plattformen nicht möglich dort detailliert […]
From now on you have again the possibility to offer ROCKHARZ festival tickets for sale via our ticket marketplace. This gives ticket buyers the chance to purchase ROCKHARZ tickets easily, securely and at a reasonable price. As usual, these tickets will be sold via our store as soon as we have received an appropriate number […]
Nach der krankheitsbedingten Absage von FLOGGING MOLLY sind wir Euch noch eine Band für das ROCKHARZ 2025 schuldig. Und Tadaaa! Vorhang auf für das erste Gastspiel der finnischen Ausnahmecombo APOCALYPTICA bei uns im schönen Harz. Die Band wird mit Ihrem fabulösen METALLICA-Set gespielt von vier Cellos die Harzer Berge zu beben und die Kehlen der […]
Electricity directly at the tent? MAENTUM (formerly Plug-in) offers power stations for hire on our campground. These mobile battery boxes supply you with electricity throughout the ROCKHARZ. And the best thing is: when the power station is empty, you can swap it for a new one as often as you like. MAENTUM also rents out […]
YOU ARRIVE AND YOUR TENT IS ALREADY THERE! If you don’t have your own tent⛺ or don’t feel like lugging it around and setting it up, mein-zelt-steht-schon is the right place for you. Since 2006, mein-zelt-steht-schon has been on the festival scene to take this work off your hands. It really couldn’t be easier! You […]