Met Amensis Metalflirt


deadlockDEADLOCK unites the typical filigree guitar play of the classic Metal with an extreme Death Metal rhythm. With the difference of the screams of singer John Gahlert and the soft and clear tones of Sabine Scherer they create their own individual sound. A bit untypical for this scene is that everybody from DEADLOCK lives a vegan and Straight-Edge livestyle. These topics are also used in lots of songs like “Menschenhand” and or others. Their new album “Bizarro World” deals with crazy and strange things in our world. DEADLOCK criticizes the pharmaceutical industry, the empty promises of politicians and the people thinking to be the crown of the creation. DEADLOCK what us to take our destiny into one’s hands and make the world a little bit better. You can support them live, at the ROCKHARZ 2012!

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