Festival FAQ
Here you can find the general information about the ROCKHARZ festival last update: 14.05.2024
We reserve the right to change details of the FAQ at any time if current events or circumstances require it.
The ROCKHARZ always occurs in the 27th week of the calender year. In 2025 it is going to be from the 2nd to 5th of July. The location is the airfield in Asmusstedt, 06493 Ballenstedt/Harz (www.flugplatz-ballenstedt.de).
More than 50 bands will play for your enjoyment over 4 festival days on two open-air-stages. Our infield opens Wednesday at 3pm, Thursday at 11.30 am and Friday and Saturday at 11am.
Alternatively, you can already arrive on Tuesday from 12am for an additional fee. Our beer garden and “Mutantenstadl” will be open for you on Tuesday at 6pm.
The running order will be published on our website roughly 4-6 weeks beforehand.
Festival tickets are only valid with an in-tact and official bar code. The number on the ticket and its perforation have to be identical.
Entering the festival grounds and driving on the campgrounds are at your own risk. Barriers and access routes have to be followed and aren’t allowed to be evaded.
The organizer carries no responsibility for any damages inflicted by other vehicles, visitors or third parties.
Wearing unlawful emblems or symbols is strictly forbidden and will result in a ban from the event without reimbursement.
Closed-off areas are not to be entered without a legitimate reason and will also result in a ban from the event.
Please be aware that all times and information given here may change prior to the festival.
Consult the Festival-FAQ shortly before the festival for any information you need.
The ROCKHARZ takes place on the airfield in Asmusstedt. Detailed directions can be found here.
For an additional fee it is possible to arrive early on Tuesday between 12am and 10pm. The campgrounds officially open for everyone on Wednesday at 8am. The campgrounds must be vacated by Sunday 1pm.
Signing sessions will take place at the metal.de booth which is located next to the info-point on the infield. A schedule for the signings will be available online as well as in our festival program.
The city of Ballenstedt has roughly 5000 inhabitants and is in close vicinity to the festival grounds. There you have access to different shopping and cultural options should you need something which happens to not be available directly on the festival grounds (www.ballenstedt.de).
You can get your festival wristbands directly on the campground next to the entrance to our infield. All you need is a valid ticket which will be devalued in exchange for your wristband. We advise you to keep the ticket and not throw it away. You will not be able to access the festival grounds again after leaving if you do not have a valid ticket (which isn’t devalued) or your wristband.
In case you own a valid ticket, which includes camping, but are arriving on Saturday you will be able to get your wristband at our sanitary camp.
Guests with disabilities and a B or an H in their severely disabled person’s ID card can get a free ticket for one accompanying person at our reception. Alternatively, you can directly go to the reception at our barrier-free campground located near the infield entrance. In that case you already have to present you severely disabled person’s ID card at the drive-in for the campground. The accompanying person should have a valid festival ticket as well as the necessary marks in their severely disabled person’s ID card.
In case you require any more assistance, you can contact inklusion@rockharz.com. There you will be advised according to your individual needs.
For our planning and convenience, we would ask you to inform us beforehand if you want to use our barrier-free campground.
Nevertheless, our festival grounds unfortunately aren’t fully barrier-free yet, but we are working diligently to make it as accessible as possible.
Driving on the campgrounds is allowed for passenger cars and motor homes at a walking pace.
Please leave trucks, unimogs and any similar vehicles over a weight of 3.5 tons at home. Vehicles should only be moved during arrival and departure. For exceptions you need to talk to our security service.
It is possible to drive your vehicle off the camping grounds after unpacking all your things and park in designated lots off-site for free.
Our beer garden is probably the biggest in the entire state of “Saxony-Anhalt” and holds more than 1000 seats. You also have a great view and can get drinks at out infamous “Mutantenstadl” also knows as the “ROCKHARZ-Alm”.
Photo- and video recordings:
- Taking pictures on the festival ground with a small picture camera and mobile phones for the private use is permitted. Please be aware of the privacy rights of third parties.
- Cameras with an interchangeable lense are considered professional equipment which cannot be brought onto the infield without press credentials. Same goes for video recorders, tape-, md-, GoPro’s and any other audiovisual recording devices.
- If we detect photographers without official accreditation (with professional equipment or for commercial purposes), we reserve the right to delete any recorded material and confiscate the devices. Additionally, one must be prepared for a compensation claim on behalf of the artists. Offenses can be prosecuted in retrospect. You are especially not permitted to publish any recordings of the attending artists.
- The usage of drones is forbidden on the entire festival grounds. Violations will be sanctioned accordingly.
- Furthermore, it should be considered that the festival is taking place on an airfield, which stays in use for the whole duration of the event. Therefore, using drones not only violets EU – regulations but also several german laws (e.g. §21h LuftVO, LuftVG, §315 StGB) and can be reported to the police.
Data protection:
- The German data protection laws according to the DSVGO and §§ 22, 23 KUG are in full effect. The organizer doesn’t take responsibility for any unlawful actions.
An arrival via public transportation is possible if you ride the train to Quedlinburg and then take bus line 241 directly to the festival grounds (stop: Asmusstedt). Current information for train and bus schedules are available at www.bahn.de/p/view/index.shtml.
Additionally, we also provide a shuttle service. Details can be found here.
Guests are advised to build up their camp site so that emergencies vehicles aren’t restricted in their access and all the sanitary facilities can be reached without any problems. Wrongly parked vehicles may be removed by the organizer at the cost and risk of the owners.
Camping is only permitted on spaces specifically designated for camping.
You are not allowed to bring sound systems above your average car Hi-Fi systems. Sound systems may not be operated from 2am to 8am.
Should you feel disturbed or endangered by other festival guests you can turn to our security or festival staff. There’s more than enough camping space for everyone so no need to worry about that. Cars can be parked next to your tent. Camping is included for owners of a regular festival ticket. Camping is not allowed for day ticket owners.
Camping and driving on the camping grounds are at your own risk.
Generally, crowdsurfing at ROCKHARZ is allowed. But often guests feel disturbed if crowdsurfing is done too much, especially is the music isn’t appropriate for it. So, we would ask you to keep the crowdsurfing to a reasonable amount.
Security directly in front of the stage takes a close look at the crowdsurfing situation and can give warning to reckless guests at their leisure. Should the warning not be taken to heart, they can result in a 24-hour ban from our infield. We hope that this is a solution that’s best and safest for everyone.
Showers and flush toilets are available directly at our sanitary camp on the campground. Usage for the showers requires tokens which can be purchased on site and are unique for each year. Toilets everywhere are free of charge.
All cars will be searching when trying to enter the campground. Please pack accordingly that our searches can be conducted quickly. Bags and suitcases will also be checked. We ask you to follow the instructions of our crew and security properly so any complications can be avoided, and you have a quick trick to your camping spot, and we can prevent any unnecessary traffic. A list of prohibited items can be found here.
After leaving any festivals grounds you are only able to return if you have an intact wristband.
Admittance to the infield will only be granted with an in-tact festival wristband. Broken wristbands lose their validity.
When entering the infield security searches will be conducted by our security staff. These include body- and bag searches.
You are allowed to bring an originally sealed tetra-pack of a non-alcoholic beverage onto the infield.
We reserve the right to refuse entry for visitors if certain situations warrant it. Such situations might include the carrying of prohibited items, an obvious intoxication or rude and discriminatory behavior. This also goes for failing to comply with the youth protection laws.
Our first aid response team is available to you during the entire festival. Should you require any medical assistance you can go the “First Aid Point” on the campgrounds directly next to the infield entrance or contact the nearest security guard.
The food stands on the infield as well as the campground have a diverse menu. Whether you like meat or are vegetarian or vegan – we have something for every taste. It goes without saying that we also have a wide variety of drinks available.
Furthermore, there’s a designated place on the infield for refilling your drinking water completely free of charge.
Digital tickets (E-Tickets) are sent to the e-mail address in your user account. You can either bring a printout or redeem them directly from your smartphone. Each ticket has a unique code which can only be used once, so take good care of your E-ticket.
Only day tickets for 2025 as well as tickets purchased from the official ROCKHARZ ticket exchange are digital.
Open fire is strictly forbidden on the entire festival grounds. Allowed are commercial gas cookers with gas cartridges, solid fuel camping stoves (so-called ESBIT stoves) and charcoal grills given that they are used exclusively for food preparation.
Due to serious accidents, some with critically injured victims, we explicitly ask you to be extremely careful and responsible when handling fuels and lighting charcoal grills.
Alcohol is not to be used as a fire accelerator. We recommend using non-liquid lighting aids.
Paraffin lamps, fire bowls, firewood and torches are prohibited!
Should you lose something or find something lost you can contact our crew at the info-point on our infield. You can also go to the camp-info at the sanitary camp on our campground. The camp-info is still available after infield closing and during your departure.
If you are still missing something after the festival you can contact the lost property office in the city of “Ballenstedt”.
Compressed gas or LPG cylinders, which are used with an additional pressure reducer are not permitted on our campgrounds except they are installed in a caravan or motorhome with appropriate protection, a valid gas certificate and TÜV. This is valid for any gas (e. g. carbon dioxide, oxygen, helium, etc.) and the operation of any beverage dispensers.
- As you can imagine, certain parts on the infield especially in front of the stage can have a really high-volume level which could result in damages to your hearing if exposed too long. Therefore, we provide hearing protection for free in several spots across the festival grounds.
- Due to the use of special effects such as pyrotechnics all barriers in proximity to the stage and speakers should be respected as such. Staying there is at your own risk.
- During the festival you may experience strobe lights which can possibly inflict epileptic seizures. Epilepsy patients should avoid areas prone to such lights.
- For your own or other people’s medical emergencies you can always contact our security and festival staff. Of course, there is also enough professional medical personnel directly located on site like the “Malteser”.
“Glück in Dosen” (“Luck in cans”) is a charity operating on the ROCKHARZ festival since 2013. Their goal is to collect as many empty cans as possible and donate the money gained from the deposits to regional charities. If your camp has its fill of empty cans, you can bring them to the “Glück in Dosen” stand on the festival grounds and apart from doing something good be also eligible to win small prizes.
This project came about as a matter of the heart from the ROCKHARZ organizers and the ROTARACT club Clausthal-Zellerfeld in order to support local youth projects. In the past years we were able to donate more than 340.000 euros to good causes.
An incredible thank you goes out to all our ROCKHARZ fans who have supported this project diligently over the years – without you this would not be possible.
More information can be found here: www.rotaract-clz.de/projekte/glueck-in-dosen-rockharz/
Any trade or other activities for commercial benefit without a legal agreement with the organizer are strictly forbidden. This includes the collection of deposit bottles or other items left on the camping grounds. Violating this will immediately result in losing your festival wristband.
The distribution of flyers or any other promotional material without the written consent of the organizer is also forbidden.
The house right is exercised by us as an organizer as well as our security staff. The instructions must be followed.
It is for visitors forbidden to carry prohibited items, to jump barriers, to exercise physical force against other visitors, the organizer’s staff or other third parties, to throw objects on stage or other visitors, to urinate outside the toilets, to damage, paint or spray building structures, walls, objects, etc., to trade commercially without the explicit permission from the organizers.
Hotels and bed and breakfasts are located next to the airfield as an alternative to our campgrounds. They are ideal for guests who had a long journey or who want to extend their visit after the festival.
Info-Points (Infopoints):
Two info-points will be available for you this year. They are located on the infield next to the signing sessions booth of metal.de and on the campground directly at our sanitary camp. Our crew is ready to help you with all occurring problems. Information for the opening times can be found in our festival program.
The ROCKHARZ operates under the german laws of youth protection. That especially means no distribution of liquor to under 18-year-olds. Should you try to use fake identification we will immediately cut your festival wristband and thus remove you from the festival.
Police as well as child protection services are on location to check the adherence of the youth protection laws.
Please note as well:
Children under the age of 8 have no admittance to our infield.
Children and adolescents up to the age of 12 may only enter the infield and the camping area with a parent or legal guardian. Educational orders are not accepted. An educational person within the meaning of § 1 Abs. 1 Nr. 4 Jugendschutzgesetz is any person who is over 18 years old, as far as he or she permanently or temporarily performs educational tasks due to an agreement with the actual guardians or as far as a child or a young person as part of their education or youth welfare.
Children and adolescents from the age of 13 to 15 years are allowed to enter the infield and the campsite with the personal guardian or the educational officer. Children and adolescents under the age of 16 must leave the venue at 22:00.
Young people between the ages of 16 and 17 are only allowed to enter the infield from 24:00 onwards without the persons entitled to custody or the education officer. Without any accountable person, they have to leave the event area (infield and camping site) until midnight.
The security is instructed to enforce the youth protection law in any case. Make sure you bring your identification or an equivalent document! The following applies to the transfer of custody rights by the parents to another person:
If this person is under 30, only the custody of ONE person should be transferred to them. If the person is over 30, this rule is dropped. This is to avoid that an 18-year-old takes over the responsibility for his 25 minor friends. Persons entitled to custody should be aware that only THEY are responsible for the behavior of their charges.
You can find a template for the transfer of child custody here.
All faked documents will be reported to the police.
Children up to 12 years of age have free entry to the festival given they have a parent or legal guardian and their ID with them. Children and adolescents from 12 years onwards need a valid ticket. Children must wear proper hearing protection otherwise we might prohibit their stay at the stage area.
Furthermore, children up to the age of 8 years can roam free on the camping grounds, but are not allowed to access our infield.
You are allowed to bring on fuel reserve canister per vehicle. It has to follow DIN-Standard 7274 or 16904 and its volume is not allowed to exceed more than 20 liters.
It needs to be tightly sealable and shatter-proof.
You can purchase exclusive ROCKHARZ-Merchandise as well as merchandise from the bands on the lineup at our merch stand which can be accessed from the infield as well as the campground.
You have the possibility of renting your own toilet for the duration of the festivals via our shop. Further information will be released on social media and on our newsletter.
We urgently ask you to keep your camping space clean and tidy as well as leaving it that way when you depart. Garbage bags can be acquired at the camping ground entrances. Everybody who brings back full garbage bags to the collection point, which location can be found in the festival program, will receive an A1 poster of an air picture taken of the entire festival grounds on Thursday as a unique memory.
Our camping grounds crew will see to it that these rules are obeyed and in extreme cases will make photographs of offending areas. So, if any of you intend to bring furniture and leave it, you will have to expect us pressing charges and fining you. We sincerely ask you to use the provided rubbish bins and not just throw your trash anywhere; with this you are actively helping us prevent any kind of trouble. Thank you for this!
You will find a wide variety of dealers on our infield which offer everything from CDs to clothes, jewelry and much more.
Owners of a valid festival ticket can park directly on our campgrounds. If you only purchased a day ticket you can park on a designated parking lot for free where you are not allowed to camp though. Nevertheless, no one will complain if you have to sleep in your car after maybe having one too many drinks.
Please be aware that parking is strictly prohibited in the entire place of “Asmusstedt”.
Program changes can occur at the festival at any time. If this happens, we are going to find an appropriate replacement. Claims in case of the cancellation of an individual band or artist, even headliners, don’t exist. If any changes happen, we will inform you on our homepage: www.rockharz-festival.com immediately.
The event takes place no matter of the weather conditions. However, we reserve the right to cancel or temporarily interrupt the event in case of a weather-related risk for visitors. In the case of cancellation of the event due to force majeure or due to official order or court decision, there is no claim for reimbursement of the entrance fee or for compensation, unless we can be proven intent or gross negligence.
For large groups arriving from different directions and at different times, we offer the opportunity to book a camping area reservation in advance for groups of 10 people or more. As soon as the spaces are available, you will find them and all information about the ordering process directly in our shop. We will inform you about the start of sales via our website, social media channels and our newsletter.
Please pay attention to the signs when you arrive and use a separate access road via the tar runway to the “Campground R”. Have your tickets and transit permit ready. You will receive the ticket shortly before the festival. After an inspection, our crew will welcome you and show you your area.
Larger bags and backpacks with multiple pockets aren’t allowed on the infield. However, you can bring the following: belly bags, belt bags, ladies’ handbags, camera bags of accredited photographers and single-walled or thin shopping bags such as jute bags and gym bags, that means those that are easy to check.
Traditional backpacks, laptop bags, padded shoulder bags with multiple pockets and sports bags are forbidden. Same goes for suitcases, overseas containers, moving boxes, in-pocket cargo planes, container ships and trains.
The running order for the festival will be published 4-6 weeks in advance on our homepage and social media channels.
The ROCKHARZ is known for its peacefulness and tranquility so that our hard-working ladies and gentlemen of the security staff usually aren’t too busy, and we do hope it stays that way.
Every security crew member has a unique identification number visible on their clothing (2-3 digits). Should you need any help or have a complaint with how certain security members operate you can contact the head of security via our info-point in order to resolve any grievances.
„Metal, Beer & Best Friends“ is no place for violence, racism, sexism, homophobia or any other form of discrimination. The ROCKHARZ is a place of tolerance and thoughtfulness and anything else is not acceptable.
Should you still feel harassed or attacked in your personal boundaries in any shape of form you can contact our security as well as our regular festival crew and we will help you any way we can. Our guests are very important to us and we want you to feel as comfortable as possible. Any requests will be taken very seriously and if necessary further steps will be taken.
In case you are in need of assistance but want to deal with it quietly you can just go to any member of our crew and tell them that your wristband is too tight, and you want it removed. If you are not able to speak you can also communicate visually by tearing at your wristband.
Every crew member knows that you find yourself in a very special situation and will deal with your needs accordingly. Other than that, there are teams for you available 24 hours a day at the entrance to the infield and the exit to the devil’s wall.
Parking spaces for your passenger cars, minibuses, motorcycles and caravans can be bindingly rented with electricity access. These parking lots have a separate road of access via the tar runway of the airfield and can be purchased on the shop of our website. Once the sale of these lots officially starts you will be informed on our social media channels and on our newsletter.
The use of individual aggregates is permitted but we reserve the right to ban any usage if other guests are being disturbed by the noise.
Forgot your toothbrush or care for something fresh from the bakery in the morning? No problem! Our ROCKHARZ supermarket offers a wide variety of different products where you will find everything you need for your perfect festival stay. You can find it between our sanitary camp and the infield entrance.
If you purchased a day ticket you can park on an extra designated parking lot for free.
Please be aware that parking is strictly prohibited in the entire place of “Asmusstedt”.
As soon as the band distribution for the different days is final, day tickets will be available in the ROCKHARZ-Shop. Day tickets may be sold out on site. Please follow our Newsfeed for all relevant information.
Guests with a day ticket have a separate entrance to the infield as they are not permitted to use the campgrounds. Day tickets are not exchangeable for a normal festival ticket incl. camping.
The tar runway is used for plane departure and arrival during the entire year. Therefore, it should be cared for accordingly. Any intentional damage will be reported to the police and the owner of the airfield Asmusstedt. You will have to expect to pay reparational damages and you may have to leave the festival.
The rock formation on the hill next to our festival grounds is the so called “Devil’s Wall” (“Teufelsmauer”). It is always worth a hike as it provides a beautiful view and is a must for every ROCKHARZ fan. We ask you to hold nature in reverence and therefore not to litter.
Pets and animals of all kinds are forbidden on the entire festival grounds.
Flush toilets are usable on the infield and the sanitary camp on the campground free of charge. Additionally, mobile toilets and urinals can be found all over the campgrounds and are cleaned multiple times a day.
Following items are prohibited on the entire festival grounds:
- Gas bottles
- Glas bottles and containers
- Weapons of every kind (including items like axes, baseball bats, power saws etc.)
- Dry ice
- Selfie-sticks
- Torches
- Music systems that go beyond the usual car HiFi – Systems
- Pyrotechnics
- Drones, multicopters, quadrocopters and other flying objects
- Anti-constitutional symbols on shirts etc.
- Any other dangerous objects.
Any guest automatically complies with gender equal body searches conducted by our crew.
Should any prohibited items be found they have to be stored outside of the festival grounds or in another designated area. If the visitor declaims ownership of the forbidden items, they will be disposed of directly at the entrances to the areas.
In case of any detected illegal objects, security will immediately secure it and can hold the visitor temporarily while informing the police according to § 127 StPO.
With entering the festival grounds, you automatically consent to any audio or video coverage that’s being done during the event by the organizer or third parties working with the organizer. This includes the publishing of any material in all current or future media. You do not hold any claim over the material.
Recordings are used for news or advertisement purposes as well as the acquiring of sponsors and other business activities.
- Buying tickets from any sources other than ROCKHARZ approved sources is strictly forbidden!
- Tickets can be sold privately but not to higher conditions. The price must be the exact one that is also printed on the ticket. You may take a fee up to ten percent for shipping. The same applies to online auctions. Additionally, there needs to be an “instant buy” option given.
- Should we as an organizer provenly be made aware of any foul play concerning ticket sales we may render the affected tickets invalid without a reimbursement.
- If you order tickets in bulk and distribute them to a third party, they need to be informed on the resale conditions given here to avoid any possible damages.
- The purchase of tickets entails contractual obligations only between the buyer or owner of the tickets and the organizer.
Please leave trucks, unimogs and any similar vehicles over a weight of 3.5 tons at home.
Driving on the festival grounds is only allowed for passenger cars and RVs at a walking pace.
You can bindingly rent a parking lot for your caravan or RV with access to electricity via our website. All information can be found directly at our shop. Once the sale of these lots officially starts you will be informed on our social media channels and on our newsletter.
Caravans or motorhomes are only allowed with butane gas bottles with appropriate protection, a valid gas certificate and TÜV.
There are no overlaps between bands, meaning you can see all the acts you want without any problems.
For everyone who doesn’t own a tent or simply doesn’t want to bring it and build it up, mein-zelt-steht-schon.de is the way to go. You can not only rent a tent with all the necessary attachments, but it will already be fully built once you’ve arrived, and you can immediately start enjoying everything the ROCKHARZ has to offer. If you want to stay a little bit more comfortable there is also a selection of various accommodations with beds that can be rented. You can design the scope of your accommodation individually. mein-zelt-steht-schon.de
Authorized answers guaranteed.THANK YOU AND HAVE FUN at the ROCKHARZ