Met Amensis Metalflirt

Current Videos

You can find the latest ROCKHARZ videos on our YouTube channel!
There we have not only sorted our own videos into suitable playlists, but also integrated contributions from other users who are involved with the ROCKHARZ.

– Under the heading of our heart project “KULTUR FÜR ALLE” (eng.: Culture for All) you will also find not only our own content, but also videos from other channels, which illustrate the scope of inclusion work at the ROCKHARZ.
– We have also dedicated another section to the bands who have been our guests and produced video logs or even entire video clips at ROCKHARZ.
– In the “Guests and visitors” section you will find a hand-picked selection of videos from the press, partners and festival guests, in which they share their festival reports and experiences with you.

There are a few more sections to discover and the playlists will be regularly updated and expanded by us in the future. The best thing to do is just drop by and leave a subscription – it’s worth it!


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