Liebe ROCKHARZer, als Veranstalter des ROCKHARZ möchten wir Euch über unsere Einschätzung und unseren Umgang mit der aktuellen Lage hinsichtlich des neuartigen „Coronavirus” COVID-19 informieren. Wir gehen momentan davon aus, dass das ROCKHARZ 2020 wie geplant stattfinden kann. Es sind noch ca. 16 Wochen, sprich 4 Monate bis zum Anreisebeginn. Wir nehmen an, dass sich […]
When we talk about fantastic German rock, there are few bands that directly come to mind. These guys are definitely one of them and have already convinced us of their tremendous live skills in 2018. In 2020, they not only release a new album, but with Dieter “Maschine” Birr (ex-PUHDYS) they also have a real […]
Let’s talk about Heavy Metal legends again. Because these gentlemen from Gladbeck are nothing else than that – but they are far from tired and celebrate their 40th birthday this year. Since their last guest appearance in the Harz Mountains, the gravediggers have released “The Living Dead” (2018), adding another milestone to their discography. Certainly, […]
The region around our beautiful festival area is paved with successful band stories. One of them is only one hour and eleven minutes away from us, more precisely in Braunschweig. In 2019, they have added another chapter of success with “Ritual”: Not only is it their thirteenth album, no, it is also the first number […]
Dear ROCKHARZ community, the days are getting brighter again, the temperatures are slightly climbing, and this means that ROCKHARZ 2020 is getting closer every day. We’re not quite done with the billing yet, but of course we’re working hard to deliver the party of the year in July, just like you’re used to. And today, […]
Well, we just can’t settle down. The ROCKHARZ billing for 2020 is growing and thriving and we have the next refill for you. So sit back, think about the coming July despite the cold, grey weather and be happy about another three band confirmations. All three bands are at ROCKHARZ for the first time! New […]
ROCKHARZ 2020 – The first hat-trick in the new year Dear ROCKHARZ community, we hope you have had a good start into the new year and that the hibernation has been as good for you as it has been for us. We now start fully motivated to welcome you a little bit late with the […]
Traditionsgemäß heißt es einen Abend vor Heiligabend erneut „HEAVY CHRISTMAS in Osterode-Förste“! In der dortigen Festhalle geben sich drei Kapellen die Klinke in die Hand. Alle die zusammen mit den Bands MINUSPOL, FEAR OF THE DAWN und TANZMETALL den Start ins Weihnachtsfest besonders laut feiern möchten, haben die Gelegenheit, die begehrten Einlasskärtchen im Vorverkauf in […]
Enjoying Christmas time? While everyone is decorating their houses and trees, we are decorating our billing for ROCKHARZ 2020. Here comes the next three-pack: INSOMNIUM Just recently, the Finns released “Heart Like A Grave” and it happened again: We are completely immersed in the melancholic, heavy melodies they play on each of their Albums. With […]
Soon it’s time again! As St Nicholas is ROCKHARZer as well known, he will take our shop under his wing again this year. From 0:00 am on Friday, 06.12.2019 to 24:00 am on Saturday, 07.12.2019 you get – a full 48 hours – a full 20% discount on everything except tickets and vouchers. And that’s […]