Met Amensis Metalflirt


Another trio for 2019!

Brrr, it’s getting uncomfortable outside. Time for some warm thoughts – and what could be better than another trio for ROCKHARZ 2019? Right, nothing! Newly confirmed are: – a great dancing class for gleeman with SALTATIO MORTIS – an exhausting training for your neck with Thrash Metal à la LEGION OF THE DAMNED – a […]

Early bird packages are sold out – festival tickets available now

Our early bird packages are sold out. From now on, you can order the regular festival ticket for 109,80 Euro in our shop. It includes the festival entry as well as regular camping and parking.

AMON AMARTH – Headliner at ROCKHARZ 2019

It’s done. After seven years, AMON AMARTH will be back on stage at ROCKHARZ! They will only play three festival shows in Germany and we are very proud that one of them is at ROCKHARZ. AMON AMARTH is the most wished-for band in our community… by far! Furthermore, they will most likely have a new […]

Three more bands for ROCKHARZ 2019

After the great heat, the briskness of autumn follows since September. That means that the festival season has ended, but the excitement for next year can start right now. We have three new band announcements for ROCKHARZ 2019 to sweeten your autumn. KORPIKLAANI Finish Folk Metal heroes KORPIKLAANI have finished working on their new album […]

ROCKHARZ 2018: Official Aftermovie!

OFFICIAL AFTERMOVIE ONLINE! Wollt Ihr nochmal so richtig in Erinnerungen an das ROCKHARZ 2018 schwelgen? Dann haben wir hier das Richtige für Euch: unseren offiziellen Aftermovie! Viel Spaß beim Schauen!


Liebe Besucher des ROCKHARZ 2018! Ihr habt die Sensation perfekt gemacht! Über 120.000 Pfandartikel und somit über 31.000 Euro habt Ihr in diesem Jahr für Jugendarbeit gespendet. Ein Riesendank an Euch! Ihr seid die Besten! Alles zur GID-Aktion auf dem ROCKHARZ 2018, das GID-Team von Rotaract, die Spendenziele und so weiter findet Ihr hier. Foto […]

ROCKHARZ 2018: Crowdshot von der Bühne

Da einige den Fanshot von der Bühne am Samstagabend vor IN FLAMES bereits vermisst haben, hier  die Nachlieferung. Ihr seht verdammt gut aus!  


Hell, we are still really excited about this great anniversary and can’t say „Thank you!“ often enough. But after the festival is before the festival, and of course we are already working on ROCKHARZ 2019. You have probably spotted the first confirmed bands. But to shorten the waiting time until we can finally celebrate together […]

ROCKHARZ 2019 – we’re coming!

Right after the last riff in the late summer of Ballenstedt had faded away, the time had come to look into the direction of ROCKHARZ 2019… Today, the pre-sale of the next edition of our little mass rally hast started. Tickets are available in our shop now. Furthermore, we’d like to announce the first bands […]


Ein grandioses Jubiläums-Festivalwochenende liegt hinter uns. Glück mit dem Wetter und damit, euch als Besucher gehabt haben zu dürfen, lässt dieses ROCKHARZ als eines der Gelungensten überhaupt in die Annalen eingehen. Wir möchten uns nochmals herzlich bei euch bedanken! Besonders dafür, dass Ihr mit unseren Hinweisen zur trockenheitsbedingten Brandgefahr so verantwortungsbewusst umgegangen seid! Es gab […]