Met Amensis Metalflirt

Skyforger and XIV Dark Centuries

Mar 29th, 2012 | von |

High the jugs, hit the shields together! Today we present to you the pagan gods in musical form with actually two bands:

The Latvians SKYFORGER are one of the famous acts of the Baltic states. Besides modern guitars and drums they also use lots of traditional instruments. The lyrics of SKYFORGER are full of history and myths. Their style is a mixture of black and pagan metal.

The second band of the day is XIV DARK CENTURIES. Their name is a clear statement against Christianity and in favor of the pagan gods, customs and of course fashion! Pagan heroes, customs and rites play an important role in their lives and lyrics. Whether pagan, folk or acoustic – XIV DARK CENTURIES are great in what they are doing.

Don’t forget to pack up your helmet – don’t let the sky fall on you, by Teutates!

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