Met Amensis Metalflirt


Jul 10th, 2014 | von |

Die Schweden SOILWORK wollten in diesem Jahr eigentlich ihre Performance von 2013 nachholen – leider mussten die Jungs ihren Auftritt wieder absagen. Sänger Björn Strid hat sich beim Sport am Rücken verletzt, der nun ziemlich angeschwollen ist – dadurch kann Björn weder richtig sitzen noch richtig laufen, und reisefähig ist er damit leider erst recht nicht.


Wer die ganze Geschichte wissen will: Hier ist sein Statement.


„It is with great regret that I have to inform you that I’m not gonna be able to perform at the Rock Harz festival on Friday. It almost feels like a curse, I’m sure most of you know that we had to cancel last years Rock Harz festival as well. We were so excited to make it up to you this year but I guess we have to wait yet another year. I basically screwed up my back 10 days ago, while working out. I felt a shooting pain and stopped immediately. That same night my back started swelling. Next day, I felt better and in the coming days it healed up pretty fast. Then last Friday, I made a small movement to reach for the remote, while watching World Cup Football and I felt an intense shooting pain once again. I thought to myself: „This is gonna be bad“. I was right. I’m currently not able to sit and can barely walk. I went to a chiropractor two days ago and he was unable to do anything since my back was too swollen and my torso was too twisted. He sent me home with anti-inflammatory pills and painkillers and told me to take those 3 times a day for 3 days and come back on Thursday, which is tomorrow. I also asked him if there was any chance for me to perform on Friday and he said: „It’s gonna take a miracle and I definitely don’t recommend it. I also informed him that we were gonna drive down in a van to Germany and then his reaction was: „Don’t do it“. So here I am, strapped to a couch feeling sorry for all the fans who had plans to finally see us at Rock Harz. I’m so sorry, I wish there was a way.. hope you understand. Make sure you enjoy the rest of the awesome bands that are playing the festival, it looks like a real good line up! Our guitarist Sylvain will be there regardless so hopefully you’ll run into him and he’ll buy you a bunch of drinks  Cheers, we’ll see you soon! – Björn Speed Strid“

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